Defense News: U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Interdicts Illegal Drugs Shipment in Arabian Sea

Source: United States Navy

Crewmembers from USCGC John Scheuerman (WPC 1146) discovered 1,350 kilograms of hashish, 276 kilograms of methamphetamine and 23 kilograms of amphetamine pills upon interdicting the vessel during a routine patrol.

“This is the result of excellent teamwork and multinational collaboration. It is important that we continue relentlessly pursuing any destabilizing maritime activity,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Anthony Webber, commander of Task Force 55, the staff responsible for U.S. 5th Fleet surface forces in the region. “The crew clearly demonstrated John Scheuerman’s motto of ‘selflessness and strength’ during this seizure and I couldn’t be more proud.”

John Scheuerman was operating in support of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 at the time. Currently led by the United Kingdom Royal Navy, CTF 150 is one of four task forces organized under the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF).

CMF is the largest international naval partnership in the world, consisting of 38 member-nations and partners, and has interdicted over $1 billion worth of illicit narcotics during maritime patrols.