Readout of the Justice Department’s Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Meeting

Source: United States Department of Justice News

The Justice Department’s Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative convened a virtual listening session today with representatives from organizations serving veterans. The listening session was part of the Civil Rights Division’s celebration of Black History Month. The discussion focused on issues faced by Black veterans, particularly in the transition from military to civilian life, and the programs and resources available to help them. The meeting participants also discussed the civil legal needs of veterans with regard to access to veteran benefits, housing, homelessness and child custody.

Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke welcomed the participants and described the Division’s role in protecting servicemembers and veterans from discrimination and unfair treatment. Other Justice Department attendees included representatives from the Office for Access to Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Management Division and Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

Representatives of organizations serving veterans also participated in the discussion. They include, among others, the American Legion, the Military Officers Association of America, the National Association of Black Military Women, the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center and several law school veteran legal services clinics. 

The Servicemember and Veterans Initiative, housed in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, works to ensure that the rights of the brave men and women of our Nation’s armed forces, and the veterans who have served in the past, are safeguarded from discrimination and unfair treatment. To learn more about the Justice Department’s Servicemember and Veterans Initiative, please visit Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative ( To learn more about the Justice Department’s Office for Access to Justice, please visit Office for Access to Justice.