Defense News: Reunited at Sea: Childhood Friends Reunite

Source: United States Navy

About to go underway on the ship for the first time he finds himself lost in wonder and excitement, the Sailor is drawn back to reality by the call of his name in the distance. He believed it to be a coincidence, though his name is called again, closer this time. The Sailor looks in the direction of the unknown voice only to be delightfully surprised to see his childhood friend and they rushed to greet one another.

Aviation Machinist’s Mate Airman John Giannaris, and Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Marcus McGee, both from Columbus, Ohio, were not best friends at first sight but later became great friends through their schooling experience together.

“Moving around so much, I never really had any friends, but when I moved to Ohio, John was the first real friend I ever made,” said McGee. “We went to school together at Lincoln Heights Elementary, having the same classes and homeroom teacher together.”

The duo started talking when they discovered they had a similar interest in video games. Because of that, Giannaris invited his new friend over to his house for the first time, and he discovered that McGee’s favorite dog was the labradoodle, which Giannaris just so happened to have as a household pet.

“I remember seeing the labradoodle at John’s house for the first time,” explained McGee. “I was so excited because I loved these dogs. Over the years, when I went over to John’s house, we would play with the dog all day. I believe that we bonded while doing so.”

The two friends spent their school days and afternoons with each other, up until they graduated from middle school. It then came time for high school, and due to the differences of where they lived, they were required to go to separate schools for the first time. This was not the end of their friendship, though, since these two had built a bond and were determined to remain friends. Though their interests varied, with one pursuing football in athletics, and the other being passionate about music, they still put in the effort to spend time with one another after school hours, sharing how their days had gone and what new adventures they had journeyed.

“Life may have taken us in different directions, but we always made sure to reconnect when we could,” said Giannaris. “If you want something, you have to make the effort and pursue it to the best of your ability.”

High school came and went for the two friends, and it was then time to take the leap past school and into the world. McGee chose to join the U.S. Navy after leaving high school, and Giannaris chose to stay in Columbus and work while continuing his education.

“Choosing to join was hard for me,” said McGee. “I was making the first big decision of my life that would take me away from friends and family. John came to see me off to boot camp, which I really appreciated. I tried my best not to get emotional about it. It really showed me how much he cared.”

A year went by, and there had been little to no contact between the two friends. McGee decided that after a year of work, it was finally time to visit home. As he traveled, Giannaris’ mother called to ask him to help Giannaris take the next step in his life. Hearing that his friend needed help, McGee contacted Giannaris and started to talk to him about joining the Navy.

“I was hesitant to join, but with the help and support of Marcus, I was able to take that step towards my future,” said Giannaris.
McGee, assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 73; and Giannaris, assigned to Nimitz, continued their Navy careers working without much contact.

“I unfortunately lost contact with Marcus for some time as I focused on my career, but I never forgot him,” said Giannaris.

As the Nimitz was in-port San Diego during its first week of work-ups in 2022, the ship’s crew was let go for liberty as the squadrons came aboard. While Giannaris was making his way off the brow, he looked down the pier, spotted a familiar face fixated on the hull of the ship and happily called to him.

McGee and Giannaris now are deployed together aboard Nimitz during its 2022-2023 deployment. They might not always be able to spend time with one another, but they still talk, hangout, and get lunch and dinner together when they have the time.

“We might not be kids for long,” said McGee. “But a genuine friend lasts forever.”