Defense News: Readout of U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday’s Meeting with Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy Rear Adm. Rune Andersen

Source: United States Navy

Today, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday met with Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy Rear Adm. Rune Andersen in Cork, Ireland, at the Chiefs of European Navies Conference.

The two discussed the vital role of the maritime domain, as well as regional security and stability, and the importance of the arctic.

Gilday thanked Andersen for Norway’s commitment to international security and their significant contributions. He expressed that Norway is the alliance’s eyes and ears in the High North.

The two reaffirmed their shared commitment to NATO, as well as continuing their efforts to increase interchangeability.

The U.S. Navy and Norway have built significant levels of interoperability and continue to operate together around the globe. In addition to integrated deployments and real-world operations, the navies regularly participate in regional exercises such as Baltic Operations and Joint Warrior. Their work together highlights NATO’s ability to integrate high-end maritime warfare capabilities to defend the alliance.