Defense News: CNO and Linda Gilday Holocaust Remembrance Message 2023

Source: United States Navy

CNO: Shipmates, CNO Gilday here with my wife Linda to recognize Holocaust Remembrance Day and this year’s week of remembrance.

Linda: Running from April 16-23, we join together to memorialize the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, as well as the millions of victims of Nazism targeted for various racial, political, ideological, and behavioral reasons.

CNO:  Let us never forget the horror, the brutality of one of the darkest chapters in history.  At the same time, we also remember the strength and courage of the victims and survivors.

Linda:  Unthinkable things happened and we must continue to learn from our past, especially lessons about standing up to hate, about supporting survivors, and about the pursuit of justice and dignity.

CNO:  Hatred has no place in our Navy and together, let us combat other forms of hatred while we educate new generations about the Holocaust.

Linda:  This time of year is an opportunity for reflection… a call to each of our consciences to not only acknowledge and remember the depravity of the past, but to celebrate the sanctity of life.

CNO: Today and every day, we stand up against hate and fight to ensure the freedoms of all people. To all of our service members and families serving around the world, thank you for what you do each and every day. See you in the Fleet, shipmates.