Defense News: Celebrating Success: Navy Supply Corps School Year in Review

Source: United States Navy

In a fitting finale to 2023, the Navy Supply Corps School (NSCS) is proud to unveil this past year’s impressive graduation numbers, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of NSCS instructors and staff in shaping capable Naval Supply Officers who are “Ready for Sea.” The collective efforts from everyone at the NSCS have culminated in the successful graduation of 1,469 students from all programs. The following is a breakdown of graduation numbers by course:

Basic Qualification Course (BQC)

The Basic Qualification Course (BQC) has been instrumental in shaping the skills and knowledge of 175 graduates. These individuals are now equipped to contribute meaningfully to their respective fields, carrying with them the solid foundation laid during their time in the program.

SODHC and Senior SODHC

The Supply Officer Department Head Course (SODHC) graduated 132 students, while the Senior SODHC saw the successful completion of 16 Senior SUPPO students.

HAZMAT/HAZMAT Recertification

Additionally, the HAZMAT/HAZMAT Recertification course celebrated the graduation of 467 students, emphasizing the importance of safety and expertise in handling hazardous materials.

Reserve Programs

NSCS’s Reserve courses have played a crucial role in developing the skills of 231 graduates across various phases, from Basic Qualification Course (BQC-NR) to Reserve Supply Management Advanced Refresher Training (RESMART). These programs, catering to both resident and distant learning environments, showcase our commitment to providing quality education to all members of the military community.

International Programs

Beyond national borders, our international programs have made a significant impact. With 12 graduates from International Logistics Executive Advance Development (ILEAD), 36 from International Officer Supply Course (IOSCO) and 76 from Advanced Management Program (AMP), the NSCS International Programs are fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge on a global scale.

Aviation Courses

The Joint Aviation Supply Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM) program, including JASMMM-MTT and Commanding Officers JASMMM, saw a combined graduation of 324 students across several Fleet locations. These courses contribute to the excellence of our aviation professionals, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of their roles.

A Collective Achievement

The large number of graduates in 2023 is a testament to the dedication, hard work and collaboration of everyone at the NSCS. Whether active military, Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR), Government Service (GS) employee, instructor or support staff, each individual has played a crucial role in the success of NSCS’s training programs.

As the NSCS moves forward, we look to the future with anticipation and excitement. The impact the NSCS has made on the lives and careers of graduates is immeasurable, and the NSCS takes pride in the knowledge that our instructors have trained future leaders of the Supply Corps. The schoolhouse will carry this momentum into 2024, where its impact will undoubtedly be felt even further.