Defense News: Department of the Navy Takes a Running Fix on Organization and Programs

Source: United States Navy

Called “Running Fix,” the initiative works to address programmatic and organizational issues not aligned with current priorities. It is a proactive approach to listen to Sailors and Marines, hear their concerns and ideas, and identify solutions to budget and acquisition inefficiencies.

“The Department of the Navy is a venerable and strong organization well-poised to address our Nation’s strategic needs,” said Secretary Del Toro in All Navy Message (ALNAV) 006/24. “We owe it to the American people to take a hard look at ourselves and be the best stewards of every tax dollar they provide. This process will enable us to demonstrate transparency and accountability, which will further strengthen our Navy.”

Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN) for Research, Development and Acquisition (RDA) Nickolas Guertin and ASN Financial Management and Comptroller (FM&C) Russell Rumbaugh will chair the project. They will conduct a formal process to identify and analyze issues with input from stakeholders across the DON, then incorporate those issues into the Fiscal Year 2026 budget development process.

Individuals can provide their submissions online at

Afterward, information will be gathered and analyzed by a working group in the Pentagon. Ultimately, commands whose ideas are selected will receive recognition and potentially to retain the savings associated with their respective nomination.

By maintaining fiscal responsibility, the DON ensures that our Sailors and Marines have the resources they need to carry out their missions effectively. We are committed to delivering the highest level of operational readiness while being good stewards of taxpayer funds.

ALNAV 006/24 can be found at