Defense News: USS Bataan, 26th MEU(SOC) Port in Larnaca, Cyprus

Source: United States Navy

While in port, the ship and 26th MEU(SOC) team will conduct a routine liberty port, as well as host a reception for a group of distinguished visitors, to include Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet, Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee.

“Our Sailors and Marines onboard the ship have been working hard over the past few months, and I can’t be more proud of them,” said Bataan Commanding Officer Capt. Paul Burkhart. “I am excited to visit Cyprus, and glad that we will get some well-earned off-time in such a great area.”

The ship’s visit to the Republic of Cyprus marks the third port visit for the Sailors and Marines of Bataan and 26th MEU(SOC) in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) area of responsibility.

Amphibious Ready Groups provide an inherently flexible maneuver force ready to meet emerging missions or contingencies, respond to humanitarian crises, reassure allies and Partners, and promote the free flow of maritime commerce and regional stability.

The Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, with the embarked 26th MEU(SOC), is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations, employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defend U.S., Allied and partner interests.

Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command areas of responsibility. U.S. 6th Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations.