Defense News: Continued, Collective, Commitment

Source: United States Navy

Aloha, ladies and gentlemen. I am deeply honored to be here with you today as your 78th Secretary of the Navy. 

Let me begin with a warm welcome and aloha to Governor Josh Green. We are honored to have you here, and I am appreciative of you taking the time to join us at the delicious Duc’s Bistro for dinner last night.

Aloha and welcome to Senator Mazie Hirono, who works tirelessly both here at home and back in Washington to advance the priorities of the people of Hawaii, alongside her husband, Leighton.

Welcome also to Congresswoman Jill Tokuda, who represents Hawaii’s 2nd District and serves as yet another stalwart leader of this great state.

These leaders, alongside Senator Brian Schatz and Congressman Ed Case, fight all day-in and day-out to continue moving the Aloha State forward.

Throughout my lifetime, I have always held a special fondness for Hawaii, especially its people and its long-held traditions. 

My wife Betty and I honeymooned here when we were just 21 years old – mere babies.  

Later, we frequently brought our children here throughout my years in the military, and later when I served in the private sector. 

We shared with them the love we have always held in our hearts for the people and the land. And so, I am truly honored to be with you all here today. 

Admiral Aquilino, Admiral Paparo, thank you for your leadership and teamwork as the Navy and the Joint Force worked together to tackle this challenge.  

I would like to thank Kahu Kekoa, Kumu Hina, for blessing us and this event, with your presence and participation.

We are also honored to have our esteemed Elders Uncle Bruce and Auntie Kehau, who I was blessed to spend the day with yesterday at the beautiful fishpond.   

Vice Admiral Wade, thank you for your leadership of the Joint Task Force to safely defuel the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and prepare it for permanent closure. 

Your stewardship of this team as the Navy’s operational commander has set the standard for the Navy’s consistent and continued commitment to doing “right” by our servicemembers and the people of Hawaii. 

Rear Admiral Barnett, thank you for the time and work you also dedicate to Hawaii as Commander-Navy Region Hawaii, and for all that you have already contributed to efforts to defuel and close Red Hill.  

And, importantly, thank you for the commitment you have made to the work you’re about to begin as you lead Navy Closure Task Force Red Hill. I know you are ready for this task.  

Please know that you have the same focused attention and support of the entire Department of the Navy that Vice Admiral Wade has had, as you now lead the efforts to thoroughly clean, permanently decommission and, ultimately, close this facility. 

For more than a century, the military has been honored to call Hawaii home.  

Our work here helps us understand and value the environment—air, soil, water—and the people of Hawaii.  

We recognize our responsibility to protect Hawaii’s environment and natural resources.  

Collectively, we all bear a responsibility and commitment to care for and protect this beautiful place. 

As we all know too well the original fuel spill that led to the eventual contamination of the Red Hill well took place in May 2021. 

Shortly after the second spill in November, I, as the then new Secretary, immediately directed all operations to cease at Red Hill. 

Secretary Austin then stood up Joint Task Force Red Hill to defuel and then close Red Hill. 

And the team here—Navy Region Hawaii, the Joint Task Force, federal, state, and local officials, communities, families, Native Hawaiians—all came together to make things right.  

Together, as a community, we worked hard because it was our responsibility to do so for the benefit of all.  

Today, we are marking the Transfer of Authority of Red Hill, but, more importantly, we are pledging continued, collective, commitment, because there is still much work to be done.   

Seamlessly, from Commander JTF to Commander NCTF, we transfer the charge of the task and with it the responsibility to always—always—be laser-focused on the health and safety of the people, the community, and the environment. 

Rear Admiral Barnett, you have our continued trust and confidence to lead NCTF-Red Hill in the years ahead. 

And as we move forward, the Department of the Navy remains steadfast in our commitment to the people of Hawai’i.  

We recognize the deep ties that bind us to this beautiful land and its people, and I am proud that we are strongly building back the trust that is essential to us moving forward together.   

And we remain dedicated to engaging with the community in respectful ways throughout the rest of this process, ensuring that all stakeholders remain informed and involved. 

Together, we will build a stronger future, one that safeguards national security, our communities, and the beautiful environment of Hawai’i.  

In closing I ask God to grant our nation, our Navy, and the people of Hawai’i fair winds and following seas. Mahalo nui loa.