Defense News: U.S. Navy Hosts U.K. Navy, Holds Bilateral Staff Talks

Source: United States Navy

The staff talks were an opportunity to conduct a tri-Service meeting between the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps and UK Royal Navy to assess progress on their shared Strategic Approach plan, known as “Delivering Combined Seapower” or DCS. DCS is a bilateral tri-service strategic approach plan that supports cooperation, collaboration, and integration among U.S. and U.K. maritime services.

“The U.K. is one of our longest standing allies and our partnership is fundamental to maritime peace and prosperity across the globe,” said Dwyer. “In an increasingly challenging security environment, our dialogue is crucial to reinforcing shared values and priorities.”

During the talks, the delegations discussed interoperability of the joint force, U.S.-U.K. interchangeability, and the collective commitment to safeguarding global maritime interests and promoting a rules-based international order.

“These annual staff talks have a sharp focus on improving our combined warfighting abilities,” said Connell. “‘Delivering Combined Seapower’ sets the ambition for Royal Navy, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps collaboration for the year ahead.”

Recently, U.S. and UK naval forces conducted a bilateral mine countermeasures exercise Poseidon’s Chalice in the Arabian Sea from Feb. 24 – March 16. The primary focus of the exercise was to maximize training opportunities in mine warfare and explosive ordinance disposal training.

This was conducted through an integration of naval assets from the Royal Navy and U.S. Navy, and additional training opportunities to include: mine sweeping elements, anti-terrorism operations, small boat operations, an underway replenishment-at-sea and damage control drill.

These recent exercises and today’s staff talks strengthen the ironclad partnership between the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (N7) is charged with advancing Navy Warfighting advantage in order to deter, dissuade and deny, or defeat adversaries.