FBI Miami Marks One-Year Anniversary of Agents’ Deaths

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

They find solace in hard work—the office is as busy as ever—and leaning on each other. Special Agent Heather McPherson, who served with Alfin and Schwartzenberger on the dive team, said immediately after their deaths, she only found comfort in spending time with others on the dive team, who knew them as well as she did.

“Our first dive job after the event happened, the lack of their presence was definitely known. But everybody being together and continuing on together really helps the healing process,” she said.

As for Alfin and Schwartzenberger’s teammates on their violent crimes against children squad, they are also leaning on each other and into the work.

“We lost coworkers, we lost friends, but what the families lost is irreplaceable,” said Supervisory Special Agent Christina Bedford. “We try to remember them, with the ceremonies that we did this week, to show the families that we’ll never forget. There’s just nothing we can say or do to bring them back. We can only hope to carry on their legacy moving forward.”