Defense News in Brief: Looking for Lessons Learned? The Name Has Changed, but the Focus Remains the Same

Source: United States Navy

Although the name has changed, Sailors, Marines and civilian employees can still expect the same relevant and timely safety lessons created to help them avoid repeating the close calls and mishaps of others through impactful and sometimes humorous articles.

“The purpose of the Safety Awareness Dispatch remains the same,” said Chris Rew, Naval Safety Command Safety Awareness program manager. “To make people stop and think before they try something that may result in an injury or potentially a loss of life. We do this through telling stories that people will remember.”

After much brainstorming, discussion and consideration, the Safety Awareness team concluded the word “dispatch” was the best choice for a number of reasons, including its strong link to naval heritage.

“In naval history, dispatch boats were tasked as early as the American Revolution to carry military dispatches from ship to ship or ship to shore when other means of transmitting messages were not possible or safe – or as quick,” Rew said.

In addition to its military connection, Rew said the word has several other definitions that fit the product as well, including being concise and to the point, an official report on state or military affairs and sending something to a destination for a purpose. 

“The name ‘Safety Awareness Dispatch’ more accurately defines the product while still providing the same invaluable information with the ultimate goal of enabling warfighting readiness by keeping our number one resource safe: our Sailors, Marines and civilians,” said Kirk Horton, Naval Safety Command Data Analytics and Safety Promotions director.

These articles, which date back to 2018, cover a wide range of safety topics – both on and off duty. Some editions are publicly released and available on the command’s website at, and the full library is available on the command’s common access card-enabled site at (click on the “Safety Awareness Products” icon).

Rew said his team is always looking for new topics and stories about safety champions and firsthand accounts of mishaps averted to use in future Safety Awareness Dispatches. People interested in submitting their stories can email