Defense News in Brief: NMCB-11 Integrates with U.S. Marine Corps Engineers for Winter Pioneer 22

Source: United States Navy

“Winter Pioneer 22” is a tactical level exercise with the goal of demonstrating an integrated US. Marine Corps Engineer and Naval Construction Force (NCF) team in a semi-permissive environment with the objective of establishing and sustaining an advance naval base and expeditionary advanced bases which contribute to maritime domain awareness.

The group was tasked with two standard Southwest Asia Huts (SWAHUT) and a bunker as well as a water purification mission. These projects were a great opportunity for the each branch to develop interoperability and exchange skillsets.

In addition to standard construction, the group was tasked with developing and executing a concealed refueling station and a hardened hide site. The refueling station was based on the footprint and look of a standard SWAHUT, but was just a shell that would house fuel bladders and a pump station. The result was a structure that would blended in with other structures of a camp from an aerial view. Crew leader, Builder 2nd Class William Mechtly, had this to say about the mission “It was a great opportunity to think outside of the box to complete the mission. We were constrained by time and materials but had a job to do. Working together we were able to come up with a design that met the objectives and produced a product that accomplished the mission.”

A separate crew was tasked with a hardened hide site that would be camouflaged from the air. Working under a time constraint, the crew was able to assemble and conceal the structure in a matter of hours. “I am really proud of how our crew came together to accomplish this task. It really came down to the pre-planning and origination before we got on site. Having our plan in place beforehand allowed us all to focus on execution within the 12-hour timeline,” says Crew Leader, Builder 2nd Class Bailey Mehus. “It was great to hear that it was not able to be found with their UAS.”