Defense News: VCNO Visits Naval Station Newport, Maine and Connecticut Shipyards

Source: United States Navy

Lescher met with Naval War College leaders, spoke with students at the Navy Leadership and Ethics Course (NLEC), and discussed Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP) and shipyard performance with shipyard leadership. He also discussed the production of the Virginia class SSN and Columbia class SSBN – platforms critical to accelerating our undersea warfare advantage.  

Lescher received helpful feedback from leaders at all levels about the Chief of Naval Operations’ Get Real, Get Better (GRGB) movement.   

While at the Naval War College and NLEC Lescher emphasized the need to establish clear standards and measures for the GRGB behaviors desired in the fleet. Lescher has made it a priority to engage with each NLEC class over the last year, encouraging them to take GRGB principles to their new commands.  

“As leaders we must role model Get Real, Get Better behaviors by removing barriers for our people where we can and elevating barriers with specificity and accountability where we can’t,” Lescher said. 

On the trip Lescher also visited both PNS and GDEB shipyards to talk with leadership about the challenges they are facing and how the Navy and industry can partner at all levels to enhance transparency to remove barriers and measurably improve performance.  

“The Navy is changing our mindset and processes through GRGB, and we are actively challenging our industry partners to do the same,” said Lescher. “Working together to achieve better outcomes is key to accelerating Navy’s maritime advantage in our strategic competition with China.” 

For more information about Get Real, Get Better visit