Defense News: Navy Releases Long-Term Drinking Water Data for Eight More Zones on JBPHH

Source: United States Navy

JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii – The Navy, in coordination with the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), has released long-term monitoring (LTM) drinking water data for eight more zones on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) on the website.

Since the Navy began long-term monitoring on March 22, there have been no detections of JP5 contamination in the Navy water system.

Summaries of the first month of LTM sampling results are now posted on the following Safe Waters pages: Pearl City Peninsula (Zone A1) here; Ford Island (Zone A2) here; Iroquois Point (Zone A3) here; Sub Base (Zone C1) here; Hale Alii, Marine Barracks, Hospital Point (Zone C2) here; Shipyard, Hospital Point (Zone C3) here; Earhart Village (Zone D3) here; and Hawaii Air National Guard (Zone D4) here.

LTM results for four other zones had previously been posted May 6: McGrew and Halawa (Zone B1) here, Camp Smith (Zone G1) here, Aliamanu Military Reservation (Zone H3) here, and Red Hill Housing (Zone I1) here.

This brings to 12 the total number of zones whose first month of LTM sampling has been released. The first month’s sampling results for the remaining seven zones have been validated and are awaiting summarization by the Navy and final review by the DOH. The Navy will post those summaries and sampling results on each zone’s page as soon as they have completed the review process.

Under an interagency-approved flushing and sampling plan, the Navy water system is now in a two-year period of LTM. This includes testing about 6,000 more samples from roughly 55% of residences and other facilities on the system for more than 60 different contaminants.

Under the plan, the Navy is sampling 5% of homes and other buildings in each zone of the Navy water system for the first three months after the DOH amended that zone’s health advisory (a total of 15% in each zone after three months). After that, 40% of all homes and other buildings on the system will be sampled over the following 21 months. All schools, child development, and medical centers will be sampled regularly during both phases of the plan.

Sampling locations for homes in each zone are chosen as a geographic representation of the zone, based on their location on the neighborhood distribution system. Different homes will be chosen during each phase to provide a good geographic spatial representation of homes sampled.

All results are validated to state and federal drinking water requirements, including the incident-specific parameters (ISPs) set by the DOH for the Navy water system.

Sample results are generally categorized as non-detect, detect, or exceed. If a sample exceeds action levels for contaminants, the resident or building point of contact will be personally notified.

The following information is provided to help interpret the data:

  • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) tests look for many petroleum compounds and are done in addition to standard drinking water tests.
  • Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is a measure of the amount of organic compounds contained in a water sample, many of which are naturally present in the environment, but which also can be an indicator of contamination, including petroleum or other sources. TOC itself has no health effects. However, TOC provides a medium for the formation of disinfection byproducts.
  • Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) are established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are the maximum permissible level of contaminants in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system.
  • Environmental Action Levels (EALs) are established by the Hawaii DOH and are concentrations of contaminants in drinking water and other media (e.g., soil, soil gas, and groundwater) below which the contaminants are assumed to not pose a significant threat to human health or the environment. Exceeding the Tier 1 EAL does not necessarily indicate that contamination at the site poses environmental hazards but generally warrants additional investigation.
  • All values are in parts per billion (ppb), which is equal to micrograms per liter (µg/L).
  • The Method Detection Limit (MDL) is the lowest concentration at which an analyte (chemical subject that is being analyzed) can be detected in a sample.

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For more information on long-term monitoring of the Navy water system, go to