Security News: Readout of Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco’s Trip to New York

Source: United States Department of Justice

Deputy Attorney General (Deputy AG) Lisa Monaco traveled to New York this week to highlight the Department of Justice’s efforts to combat the cyber threats of today and prepare for the threats of tomorrow.

On Monday afternoon, Deputy AG Monaco visited the National Cyber-Forensics Training Alliance (NCFTA), a public-private partnership designed to increase information-sharing between private industry and government to identify, mitigate and disrupt cyber threats. She received a briefing from the NCFTA’s managing director, several private sector members and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on the strategies they are using to tackle malicious cyber actors.

While at NCFTA, Deputy AG Monaco met with students, recent graduates, professors and career advisors from law schools and universities around New York to highlight the department’s new Cyber Fellows Program. Launched last year by Deputy AG Monaco, the program will foster the next generation of cyber leaders in the Justice Department. Alongside other department prosecutors, the Deputy AG highlighted the department’s one-of-a-kind cyber mission to protect the American people and encouraged student attendees to apply for future classes of the department’s Cyber Fellows.

On Tuesday morning, the Deputy AG provided keynote remarks at the annual International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS), where she announced the department’s latest seizure and forfeiture of ransomware profits – this time from a North Korean state-sponsored hacking group that deployed ransomware known as “Maui.” The Deputy AG also outlined key findings from the department’s Comprehensive Cyber Review, which she launched during her first weeks as Deputy Attorney General and was published earlier today, including: applying lessons learned from the department’s fight against other national security threats and reaffirming the department’s commitment to using all the tools at its disposal to address the blended threat presented by nation state cyber actors and transnational criminal groups deploying a wide range of threats – from ransomware attacks to global botnets.                                                                                      

Following her remarks, the Deputy AG departed New York for Colorado, where she will attend the Aspen Security Forum and visit the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Denver and meet with federal, state and local law enforcement partners.