Security News: Out of state man convicted for stalking local victim

Source: United States Department of Justice News

HOUSTON – A 47-year-old Colorado man has admitted to threatening a woman with releasing sexually-explicit images unless she moved with him across the country, announced U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery.

Moses Cano pleaded guilty to one count of stalking.

Cano and the victim dated for a brief amount of time. At the end of that relationship, Cano made threats to her if she did not agree to come to Colorado with him. The victim refused. In retaliation, he then sent sexually-explicit images of the victim to her place of employment and several of her friends.

As part of his plea, he admitted he took over her Facebook account and used it to send the images and other messages to her contacts. He also posted a sexually-explicit video of the victim to a well-known adult pornography site.

In distress, the victim contacted authorities.

Sentencing has been set for Nov. 30. At that time, Cano faces up to five years in federal prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine. He has been and will remain in custody pending that hearing.

The FBI conducted the investigation with the assistance of Matagorda County Sheriff’s Office. Assistant U.S. Attorney Sherri L. Zack is prosecuting the case.