Security News: Guam Resident Sentenced to 70 Months in Federal Prison for Bank Robbery and Failure to Update Sex Offender Registration

Source: United States Department of Justice News

 Guam – SHAWN N. ANDERSON, United States Attorney for the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, announced that defendant Vicente Guerrero Perez, age 57, from Guam was sentenced to 70 months in federal prison for Bank Robbery, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a), and Failure to Update Sex Offender Registration, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2250(a). The Court also ordered five years of supervised release following imprisonment, restitution of $1,560.00, 100 hours of community service, and a mandatory $200.00 special assessment fee.

On August 13, 2021, Perez entered the Dededo branch of the First Hawaiian Bank in Guam. He waited in line and then handed the teller a plastic bag and a note. The note announced a robbery and for the teller to put money in the bag. The teller was terrified and placed approximately $1,560.00 into the plastic bag before returning it to Perez. The teller triggered a silent alarm after Perez left the bank. Perez’ actions were captured on surveillance cameras. Still images from the videos were distributed to the public. FBI agents received a tip identifying Perez. Once agents located Perez, he waived his rights, consented to an interview, and admitted robbing the First Hawaiian Bank.

Perez was also required to register as a sex offender due to a conviction in 1992 for Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. This included updating his registration in person every six months. According to the Guam Sex Offender Registry, he failed to do so since April 2021. Perez previously served 21 months in prison for failing to register.

“The lengthy sentence imposed by the Court demonstrates the seriousness of these crimes,” stated United States Attorney Anderson. “Our communities deserve protection from Perez’s continuing criminal activity.  I applaud our law enforcement partners, and the assistance of the public, for bringing him to justice.”

“The FBI is committed to protecting Guam from violent crimes and working with the Guam Police Department on these types of cases,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Steven Merrill.  “The FBI also thanks the U.S. Attorney’s Office for prosecuting this case at the federal level which has stiffer penalties and no opportunity for parole, especially for someone who is a registered sex offender.”

The investigation was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and prosecuted by Benjamin K. Petersburg, Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Guam.