Defense News: CNO and MCPON wish the Navy a Happy 247th Birthday

Source: United States Navy

CNO: Shipmates, CNO Gilday here with MCPON Honea as we celebrate our Navy’s Birthday and we take a moment to recognize the strength, the resolve and the dedication of those standing the watch.

MCPON: On, under and above the sea – and on the land… our brave men and women have always been ready to defend our Nation. They have also selflessly ensured the safety and prosperity of Americans and our allies and partners around the world.

CNO: Together, we continue to stand the watch and prepare for combat 24 hours a day, seven days a week – as we have for the past 247 years.

MCPON: There has never been a more critical time to serve. Fierce competition is a reality and is challenging our way of life and the rules-based international order.

CNO: Our Navy remains on call, as we always have, and on watch to protect the freedom of the seas that is vital to the stability of the world.

MCPON: And through every deployment and every mission, it is our families who help keep us grounded — enduring separations and shouldering the day-to-day responsibilities at home. They stand a different kind of watch… and we are forever grateful. We would not be the world’s greatest Navy we are today without them.

CNO: So, while our ships, submarines, and aircraft bring that firepower… it’s our Sailors, our Navy civilians, and their families who bring our force to life. They are at the heart of today’s birthday celebration.

MCPON: So today, for the seen and unseen responsibilities you all carry, and for the daily sacrifices you make…. Thank you.

CNO: Happy 247th Birthday, Shipmates. And we’ll see you in the Fleet.