Security News: Dentist Pleads Guilty and Gets Probation for Refusing to Keep Proper Records

Source: United States Department of Justice News

PITTSBURGH, PA – A resident of Monroeville, PA pleaded guilty in federal court to a charge of refusing to make and keep adequate records related to prescriptions for Schedule II controlled substances, United States Attorney Cindy K. Chung announced today.

Daniel Garner, 50, of the Monroe Heights area, pleaded guilty to one count before United States District Judge Cathy Bissoon.

In connection with the guilty plea, the court was advised that from July 2011 to August 2015, Garner failed and refused to make, keep, or furnish records required to substantiate the legitimate medical purpose for prescriptions he issued to his dental patients for Schedule II controlled substances, primarily Oxycodone in the form of Percocet. Dr. Garner’s treatment notes often did not contain any reference to the patient’s pain when he prescribed oxycodone, and did not state why a narcotic was needed rather than a non-controlled substance pain reliever.

Immediately after the entry of the guilty plea, Judge Bissoon sentenced Garner to a term of probation of 18 months; a fine of $1,000.00 and a special assessment of $25.

Assistant United States Attorneys Stephen R. Kaufman and Nicole Vasquez Schmitt prosecuted this case on behalf of the government.

The DEA, the FBI and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office conducted the investigation that led to the prosecution of Garner.