CJIS Division: 2020 Year in Review

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News

The CJIS Division’s 2020 Year in Review highlights how we provide our law enforcement partners with the best tools possible.

During fiscal year 2020, the division:

Read more in the full report.

Security News in Brief: Justice Department Settles Retaliation Claim Against Florida Electrician Company

Source: United States Department of Justice News

The Justice Department today announced that it reached a settlement agreement with Service Minds Inc., dba Mister Sparky (Service Minds), a company that provides contract electrical services to residential customers in Florida and Alabama. The settlement resolves a claim that the company retaliated against a work-authorized job applicant, in violation of the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), when he and his wife challenged a U.S. citizens-only hiring rule that a recruiter had wrongly claimed was the company’s policy.