Defense News: Navy Closure Task Force-Red Hill Invites Public to Open House

Source: United States Navy

During the event, members of the Navy Closure Task Force will update the public on the progress being made to clean and close the storage tanks at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (RHBFSF).

“These quarterly Open Houses give us the opportunity to engage directly with community members to explain the progress we are making at Red Hill,” said Rear Adm. Steve Barnett, commander, NCTF-RH. “The team looks forward to sharing the progress NCTF-RH has made in getting the tanks cleaned, showing some of our newly developed information products and interactive displays, and receiving feedback from members of the community.”

The event will feature a range of information booths and displays about the tank cleaning process, progress and timeline. Attendees can view samples of sludge removed from tanks 7 and 8, Red Hill historical artifacts, images from inside the facility and receive a demonstration of an online dashboard prototype depicting the progress of cleaning and closing the tanks. Members of the NCTF-RH staff will be onsite to answer questions, and there will be a keiki activity table for children.

Water quality experts will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about the Extended Drinking Water Monitoring plan and the Water Quality Action Team. Representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency and the University of Hawaii’s Red Hill Independent Health Registry will also be present to share information and answer questions from the public.

NCTF-RH is committed to working with all government agencies and community stakeholders to safely and deliberately close the RHBFSF underground storage tanks and associated piping system, conduct long-term environmental remediation, and ensure continued access to safe drinking water in compliance with all Federal, State, and local laws, policies and regulations.

For more information about NCTF-RH, visit or download our free mobile app by searching for “NCTF-Red Hill” in the Apple App store or Google Play store. For imagery, video and other digital media please visit our DVIDS site here:

Readout of Justice Department Officials’ Participation in National Night Out

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and Acting Associate Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer participated in the 41st Annual National Night Out (NNO). Their participation in NNO events highlights the Justice Department’s partnerships with federal, state, and local law enforcement that have played key roles in its Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Violent Crime, which focuses federal resources on identifying, investigating, and prosecuting the most significant drivers of violent crime.

Established in 1984 from a Justice Department Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) grant, NNO aims to build relationships with and between communities and law enforcement, promote police-community partnerships, and enhance neighborhood camaraderie. The community-building campaign provides an opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

This year, NNO takes place as violent crime continues to decline nationwide, following an uptick during the pandemic in 2020. FBI data shows a decrease in violent crime in communities across the country in 2023 compared to the previous year, including an over 13% reduction in homicides. That is the steepest yearly decline in homicides, in over 50 years. Early data from 2024 indicates that this trend is continuing.

“Each year, National Night Out gives communities across the country the chance to celebrate and strengthen their partnerships with law enforcement,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “This was a particularly meaningful National Night Out because it came after our country experienced one of the lowest nationwide violent crime rates in 50 years this past year. The Justice Department will never stop working to build on this progress because every person, in every neighborhood, in every community deserves to be safe from violent crime.”

The Attorney General participated in National Night Out events in Des Moines, Iowa. He was joined by First Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Kahl for the Southern District of Iowa at an event hosted by the Urbandale Police Department, where they had an opportunity to engage with local law enforcement and community members.

This week, Attorney General Garland met with prosecutors and law enforcement partners from the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices for the District of Nevada, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Northern District of Iowa, and Southern District of Iowa. The Attorney General met with U.S. Attorney Jason Frierson for the District of Nevada and discussed his Office’s work as part of the Department’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force program (OCDETF), which seeks to identify, disrupt, and dismantle high-level criminal and drug trafficking organizations. In Wisconsin, he spoke with federal, state, and local law enforcement leaders, including Milwaukee Sheriff Denita Ball and Police Chief Jeffrey Norman, about efforts to continue to decrease violent crime and reduce fentanyl on streets in the Milwaukee area. Attorney General Garland also touted the work of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northen District of Iowa to secure sentences for multiple gun and drug crime offenders.

Deputy Attorney General Monaco attended two National Night Out events in Cincinnati with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio Kenneth Parker and Cincinnati Police Chief Teresa Theetge. She visited the Westwood and Roselawn neighborhoods, where she spoke with local community leaders and law enforcement officials about how they are partnering together to keep Cincinnati safe. Prior to her NNO stops, the Deputy AG attended roll-call at the Cincinnati Police Department’s (CPD) Third District to thank the women and men of the force for their commitment to public safety.

While in Cincinnati, the Deputy AG visited the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Ohio to hear from the dedicated prosecutors and professional staff of the office about their work to carry out the Justice Department’s mission, especially tackling violent crime. The Deputy AG also toured the Cincinnati Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC), which imbeds ATF special agents and analysts with local law enforcement and prosecutors to swiftly identify unlawfully used firearms and their sources. Like the many other crime gun intelligence centers nationwide, the Cincinnati CGIC harnesses cutting-edge technologies – including the ATF’s National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) and eTrace systems — to rapidly develop and pursue investigative leads in order to drive case clearance rates up, which in turn can help drive violent crime rates down.

Prior to traveling to Cincinnati, the Deputy Attorney General delivered the keynote address at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Women in Federal Law Enforcement Foundation, where she emphasized the crucial role women in law enforcement play in protecting communities nationwide.

Acting Associate Attorney General Mizer joined U.S. Attorney Michael F. Easley Jr. for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Special Agent in Charge Benny Mims of the ATF Charlotte Field Division, and U.S. Marshal Glenn McNeill Jr. for the Eastern District of North Carolina to attend two National Night Out events in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Acting Associate Attorney General visited Tarboro Road Community Center and The Village at Washington Terrace, where he met with law enforcement partners and community members and discussed issues of importance in Raleigh.

In addition to the federal, state, local, and Tribal partners, the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices around the country are invaluable partners in the Department’s work to combat violent crime. All of the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices visited this week by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and Acting Associate Attorney General maintain ongoing participation in the Department’s Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative, which builds on existing programs in each district to reduce gun violence, gun crime, and sustain those reductions.

Florida Woman Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Refund Claims

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

A Florida woman pleaded guilty today to filing false tax returns with the IRS to fraudulently obtain tax refunds. 

According to court documents and statements made in court, between 2018 and 2020, surgical technologist Yolanda Dewar, of Sunrise, created a trust and sought fraudulent refunds from the IRS. Dewar filed four false tax returns on behalf of the trust she created to seek nearly $2 million in tax refunds. Dewar continued filing such returns even after the IRS notified her that her claims were frivolous and had no basis in law. In total, the IRS issued nearly $500,000 to the trust in response to Dewar’s false claims. According to the indictment, Dewar allegedly used a portion of those tax refunds to purchase a car for a family member, get plastic surgery and renovate her home.

Dewar is scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 24. She faces a maximum penalty of three years in prison, a period of supervised release, restitution and monetary penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida made the announcement.

IRS Criminal Investigation is investigating the case.

Trial Attorneys Melissa S. Siskind and Kavitha Bondada of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and Assistant U.S. Attorney Deric Zacca for the Southern District of Florida are prosecuting the case.

Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Employment Tax Offense Related to Dentistry Practice

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

An Ohio man pleaded guilty today to not paying more than $750,000 in employment taxes and not filing employment tax returns. 

According to court documents and statements made in court, from 2014 through 2020, Eric Moesle, of Pickerington, served as the office manager for Elemental Dental in Pataskala, Ohio. At Elemental Dental, Moesle was responsible for payroll, bookkeeping and tax return preparation. 

During that period, at Moesle’s direction and with his full knowledge, Elemental Dental was withholding Social Security, Medicare and income taxes from its employees’ wages, which were reflected on paystubs and Forms W-2 issued to employees. However, from 2014 through 2020, Elemental Dental did not pay over those taxes to the IRS nor did it file employment tax returns. During the same period, the business also failed to pay over the employer’s share of those taxes. When interviewed by IRS representatives in 2022, Moesle falsely claimed that he did not know that the employment taxes had not been paid and that Elemental Dental’s employment tax returns and Forms W-2 had not been filed, and falsely stated that any such failures or omissions were unintentional. 

In all, Moesle’s criminal conduct caused a tax loss to the IRS of $760,255.

The plea was offered today to U.S. Magistrate Judge Norah McCann King for the Southern District of Ohio. Once accepted by a U.S. district court judge, a sentencing date will be set. Moesle faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison, a period of supervised release and monetary penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Parker for the Southern District of Ohio made the announcement.

IRS Criminal Investigation is investigating the case. 

Trial Attorneys Hayter Whitman and Jeffrey McLellan of the Justice Department’s Tax Division are prosecuting the case.

Former Interim President of Puerto Rican Steel Distributor Pleads Guilty to Eight-Year Price-Fixing Conspiracy

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

A former executive of a steel distributor in San Juan, Puerto Rico, pleaded guilty today to conspiring with competitors to fix prices for sales of reinforcing bar, or rebar.

According to court documents filed in the U.S. District Court in San Juan, Juan Carlos Aponte Tolentino (Aponte), of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, was Interim President of a steel distributor in Puerto Rico. The company was one of the leading wholesale distributors of rebar in Puerto Rico. Rebar is commonly required for residential and commercial construction projects on the island, and nearly all rebar distributed in Puerto Rico is imported from other countries or the continental U.S. Collectively, Aponte’s company and two other competitors controlled approximately 70% of the wholesale rebar market in the Commonwealth.

Between 2015 and 2022, including the period of reconstruction following Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017, Aponte conspired with competing companies and individuals to suppress and eliminate competition by fixing prices for steel products, including rebar, which were distributed to hardware stores, building contractors and other businesses and individuals in Puerto Rico, resulting in substantial profits to the conspirators.

Among other communications, Aponte and his competitors exchanged WhatsApp chat messages in which they agreed on specific rebar prices, including price increases. For example, in December 2020 an executive at a competing company sent Aponte a chat message with the price of Turkish rebar, and Aponte responded, “The position is the following: Platform $33.95, 10 bundles $34.50, Fewer than 10 bundles: $34.95” before asking, “The question is are we on the same page?” The competing executive responded, “Yes, that is what I am doing.”

In the plea agreement filed today, Aponte admitted that more than $100 million in sales by his company were affected by the conspiracy.

“In pleading guilty, this defendant admitted to fixing prices — for nearly a decade — on rebar, an essential part of the supply chain for the reconstruction of Puerto Rico following the 2017 hurricanes,” said Deputy Assistant Attorney General Manish Kumar of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division. “This guilty plea demonstrates the Antitrust Division’s continued commitment to holding accountable individuals who collude to raise construction prices and harm consumers and businesses in Puerto Rico. We and our law enforcement partners will continue to prosecute the people responsible for this type of anticompetitive criminal conduct.”

“We are satisfied with the outcome in this case as it sends a clear message that price-fixing and taking advantage of communities in crisis will not be tolerated,” said Special Agent in Charge Joseph Gonzalez of the FBI San Juan Field Office. “In the FBI, we remain committed to disrupting this illegal practice and bringing justice for all those affected by such unethical practices.”

Violating the Sherman Act, which is a federal criminal antitrust statute, is a felony. The maximum penalty for individuals convicted of violating the Sherman Act is 10 years in prison and a $1 million criminal fine. The maximum penalty for corporations is a $100 million criminal fine. The fine may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime if either amount is greater than the statutory maximum fine.

The court set Aponte’s sentencing hearing for Nov. 8. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The Antitrust Division’s Washington Criminal Section investigated the case, with the assistance of the FBI San Juan Field Office.

Trial Attorneys April Ayers-Perez, Alison Friberg and Taylor Bernhardt of the Washington Criminal Section, and Senior Litigation Counsel John Davis of the Antitrust Division’s Litigation Program, are prosecuting the case.

Anyone with information in connection with this investigation should contact the Antitrust Division’s Complaint Center at 888-647-3258 or visit