Defense News in Brief: Naval Oceanography, National Weather Service Streamline Aviation and Maritime Forecasting

Source: United States Navy

STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. – The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and Fleet Weather Centers (FWC), San Diego and Norfolk, implemented advanced software—Automated Weather Interactive Processing System II (AWIPS)—acquired from the National Weather Service (NWS) creating operational advantages for the U.S. Navy Fleet and American aviation industry.

Defense News in Brief: Navy’s Cybersecurity Program Office Gears Up for HACKtheMACHINE Unmanned

Source: United States Navy

SAN DIEGO – The Navy’s Cybersecurity Program Office (PMW 130) sponsored, designed and developed one of the technical tracks at this year’s HACKtheMACHINE Unmanned event, held virtually for participants worldwide Nov. 16-19, to encourage creative “hackers” to help meet the needs of the Fleet by developing and integrating unmanned and autonomous systems at scale.