Defense News in Brief: Auxilliary Heavy-lift Ships T-AKR

Source: United States Navy

Two auxiliary heavy-lift ships are U.S. Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force ships that can be quickly activated to support military sea transportation needs. These ships are dedicated to carrying barges and construction equipment for SeaBee units. When activated, they come under operational control of Military Sealift Command.

Defense News in Brief: Auxiliary Roll-on/Roll-off Ships T-AKR

Source: United States Navy

Twenty-seven auxiliary roll-on/roll-off ships are U.S. Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force ships that can be quickly activated to support military sea transportation needs. They are used for military wheeled and tracked vehicles and associated rolling stock. When activated, they come under operational control of Military Sealift Command.

Defense News in Brief: Auxiliary Break-Bulk Ships T-AK

Source: United States Navy

Five auxiliary break-bulk ships are U.S. Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force ships that can be quickly activated to support military sea transportation needs. Three of these converted container ships are rigged to perform underway replenishment with Navy surface ships. Two are designed to carry lighterage that serves to deliver onboard cargo directly to shore. When activated, all come under operational control of Military Sealift Command. One, SS Cape Jacob, is activated and permanently assigned to MSC prepositioning duties.

Defense News in Brief: Auxiliary Crane Ships – T-ACS

Source: United States Navy

The six auxiliary crane ships are U.S. Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force ships that can be quickly activated to support military sea transportation needs. These self-sustaining ships are useful in ports that have limited, damaged or undeveloped port facilities. When activated, they come under operational control of Military Sealift Command.

Defense News in Brief: NHA Symposium Returns with Bold Vision for Rotary Capabilities

Source: United States Navy

ALPINE, Calif. – The Naval Helicopter Association (NHA) completed its first in-person symposium at the Viejas Resort, Oct. 6-9, 2021, after pandemic precautions led the organization to cancel its symposium last year. The event, which included two full days of programming, centered on Naval Aviation’s bold vision for rotary wing aviation in the years ahead with the forward-looking theme, “Force of the Future.”