Two Former Missouri Police Officers Indicted for Federal Civil Rights Violations

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Two former Northwoods, Missouri, police officers were indicted last week for violating a man’s civil rights in 2023. One officer turned himself in yesterday, and the other turned himself in today.

Samuel Davis and Michael Hill were each indicted in relation to a July 4, 2023, encounter with a man, identified in the indictment as “C.G.,” after they were called to a Walgreens in Northwoods. Each were indicted on one count of conspiracy to intimidate C.G. in the free exercise and enjoyment of his right to be free from unreasonable seizure and deprivation of rights under color of law. Davis was also indicted on one count of engaging in misleading conduct with the intent to hinder, delay and prevent the communication of information relating to the possible commission of a federal offense and one count of altering records in a federal investigation. Hill was also indicted on one count of lying to the FBI.

According to the indictment, Hill, who was Davis’ supervisor, told Davis to take C.G. to Kinloch, Missouri. Davis then took C.G. to a field in Kinloch, where he struck the handcuffed man with his police baton. To cover up the incident, Davis told a dispatcher that C.G. was gone before Davis arrived at the Walgreens. Davis also allegedly turned off his body camera. The indictment also alleges Hill lied to FBI agents investigating the incident when he falsely stated that C.G. asked to go to Kinloch because he “had people” there.

If convicted, Davis and Hill each face a maximum penalty of life in prison for the charges of conspiracy to violate civil rights and deprivation of rights under color of law. Davis also faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for witness tampering and a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for destruction of records. Hill faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison for lying to the FBI. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. 

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, U.S. Attorney Saylor A. Fleming for the Eastern District of Missouri and Acting Special Agent in Charge Christopher Crocker of the FBI St. Louis Field Office made the announcement.

The FBI St. Louis Field Office and St. Louis County Police Department investigated the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Christine Krug for the Eastern District of Missouri and Trial Attorney Taylor Payne of the Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section are prosecuting the case.

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Owner and Operator of Colorado Natural Gas Processing Plant Agree to Pay $1M Fine and Improve Leak Detection and Repair Equipment and Practices

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

The Justice Department, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State of Colorado today announced a settlement with Enterprise Gas Processing LLC and Enterprise Products Operating LLC (jointly, “Enterprise”). The agreement, which includes a $1 million civil penalty, will protect community health and the environment by strengthening leak detection and repair practices at the Meeker Gas Plant in Rio Blanco County, Colorado.

A complaint filed concurrently with the settlement alleges that Enterprise violated leak detection and repair requirements in accordance with the Clean Air Act and state clean air laws. The violations resulted in excess emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants to the atmosphere.

“All gas refining and processing facilities must comply with the Clean Air Act,” said Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. “This settlement includes important provisions to improve leak detection, repair practices and staff training, which applied here will help protect public health in western Colorado.”

“Together, EPA and CDPHE are committed to delivering enforcement, inspections and compliance assistance that provide tangible benefits for Colorado’s communities,” said EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker. “This action will secure facility compliance and reduce emissions of air pollutants in Meeker and the surrounding area.”

“The protection of Colorado’s air quality made possible through this settlement with Enterprise is a testament to the power of collaboration between dedicated state and federal public officials,” said Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser. “We are proud to support the state’s Air Pollution Control Division as it continues to lead the way to reduce air pollution from oil and gas operations and pursue better air for all Coloradans.”

As part of the settlement, Enterprise will take corrective actions and pay a $1 million civil penalty. Half of the penalty will go to the federal government and half will go to the State of Colorado, where a portion will fund projects to benefit disproportionately impacted communities through the state’s environmental justice grant program.

Under the settlement, Enterprise will strengthen its leak detection and repair practices at the Meeker Gas Plant. These commitments include:

  • Installing equipment that leaks less pollution to the atmosphere;
  • Reviewing compliance with leak detection and repair requirements; and
  • Repairing leaking equipment faster.

Enterprise will also improve staff training and use optical gas imaging technology to improve the visual detection of leaks to address them more quickly.

Equipment leaks at the Meeker Gas Plant emit VOCs, which lead to the formation of ground-level ozone. Ozone contributes to serious public health concerns, including respiratory illness, aggravation of existing heart disease and temporary breathing difficulty for people with asthma. Young children and older people are especially sensitive to these impacts. Leaks from equipment at the Meeker Gas Plant also emit methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

The EPA investigated the case.

Attorneys of the Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Enforcement Section are handling the case.

The Justice Department filed the consent decree with the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. The consent decree is subject to a 30-day public comment period. It is available on the Justice Department’s website at

Justice Department Leads Efforts Among Federal, International, and Private Sector Partners to Disrupt Covert Russian Government-Operated Social Media Bot Farm

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Note: View the affidavit for search of 968 X accounts here and affidavit for domains seizure here.

The Justice Department today announced the seizure of two domain names and the search of 968 social media accounts used by Russian actors to create an AI-enhanced social media bot farm that spread disinformation in the United States and abroad. The social media bot farm used elements of AI to create fictitious social media profiles — often purporting to belong to individuals in the United States — which the operators then used to promote messages in support of Russian government objectives, according to affidavits unsealed today.

In conjunction with the domain seizures and search warrant announced today, the FBI and the Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF), in partnership with Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), the Netherlands General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), Netherlands Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD), and Netherlands Police released a joint cybersecurity advisory detailing the technology behind the social media bot farm, including details regarding how the bot farm’s creators leveraged their bespoke AI system in furtherance of the scheme. The advisory will allow social media platforms and researchers to identify and prevent the Russian government’s further use of the technology. In addition, X Corp. (formerly, Twitter) voluntarily suspended the remaining bot accounts identified in the court documents for terms of service violations.

“With these actions, the Justice Department has disrupted a Russian-government backed, AI-enabled propaganda campaign to use a bot farm to spread disinformation in the United States and abroad,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “As the Russian government continues to wage its brutal war in Ukraine and threatens democracies around the world, the Justice Department will continue to deploy all of our legal authorities to counter Russian aggression and protect the American people.”

“Today’s action demonstrates that the Justice Department and our partners will not tolerate Russian government actors and their agents deploying AI to sow disinformation and fuel division among Americans,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. “As malign actors accelerate their criminal misuse of AI, the Justice Department will respond and we will prioritize disruptive actions with our international partners and the private sector. We will not hesitate to shut down bot farms, seize illegally obtained internet domains, and take the fight to our adversaries.”

“Today’s actions represent a first in disrupting a Russian-sponsored Generative AI-enhanced social media bot farm,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Russia intended to use this bot farm to disseminate AI-generated foreign disinformation, scaling their work with the assistance of AI to undermine our partners in Ukraine and influence geopolitical narratives favorable to the Russian government. The FBI is committed to working with our partners and deploying joint, sequenced operations to strategically disrupt our most dangerous adversaries and their use of cutting-edge technology for nefarious purposes.”

“We support all civic engagement, civil dialogue, and a robust exchange of ideas,” said U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino for the District of Arizona. “But those ideas should be generated by Americans, for Americans. The disruption announced today protects us from those who use unlawful means to seek to mislead our citizens and our communities.”

“The disruption announced today is the result of a combined response with our international partners to a serious and unique threat,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Morris Pasqual for the Northern District of Illinois. “Multiple U.S. and foreign governmental components worked closely and efficiently to address the threat and develop and execute a mitigation strategy. Through vigorous enforcement efforts and collaborative international partnerships, the Justice Department works tirelessly to disrupt criminal cyber activity.”


According to court documents, a bot farm is an enhanced software package which allows for the creation of false personas on social media platforms. Bot farms are enhanced by integrating components which contain artificial intelligence, such as image production or text generation.

As described in the affidavits filed in support of the warrants, development of the social media bot farm was organized by an individual identified in Russia (Individual A). In early 2022, Individual A worked as the deputy editor-in-chief at RT, a state-run Russian news organization based in Moscow. Since at least 2022, RT leadership sought the development of alternative means for distributing information beyond RT’s standard television news broadcasts. In response, Individual A led the development of software that was able to create and to operate a social media bot farm. As planned, the social media bot farm would create fictitious online personas for social media accounts, through which RT, or any operator of the bot farm, could distribute information on a wide-scale basis. The development was executed by Individual B and others, who hid their identities and location (Russia) while beginning to purchase infrastructure for the social media bot farm in April 2022.

In early 2023, with the approval and financial support of the Presidential Administration of Russia (aka the Kremlin), a Russian FSB officer (FSB Officer 1) created and led a private intelligence organization (P.I.O.), as explained in the affidavits. The P.I.O.’s membership was comprised of, among others, employees at RT, including Individual A. The true purpose of the P.I.O. was to advance the mission of the FSB and the Russian government, including by spreading disinformation through the social media accounts created by the bot farm.

According to the affidavits, FSB Officer 1, Individual A, and other members of the PIO had access to the social media bot farm. The following are examples of Russian-government narratives that the bot farm posted on X in October and November 2023:

  • A purported U.S. constituent replied to a candidate for federal office’s social media posts regarding the conflict in Ukraine with a video of President Putin justifying Russia’s actions in Ukraine;
  • A purported resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota, posted a video of President Putin discussing his belief that certain geographic areas of Poland, Ukraine, and Lithuania were “gifts” to those countries from the Russian forces that liberated them from Nazi control during World War II;
  • A purported U.S. resident of a city identified only as “Gresham,” posted a video claiming that the number of foreign fighters embedded with Ukrainian forces was significantly lower than public estimates;
  • The same purported individual posted a video of President Putin claiming that the war in Ukraine is not a territorial conflict or a matter of geopolitical balance, but rather the “principles on which the New World Order will be based.”

To register the fictitious social media accounts, the social media bot farm relied on private email servers, which in turn relied on the two domain names seized by the FBI. An individual who controls an internet domain can create email accounts using the domain. For example, an individual controlling the domain name can create email accounts using (e.g., Here, the actors obtained and controlled the domain names “” and “” from a U.S.-based provider. They then used those domains to create the email servers that ultimately allowed them to create fictitious social media accounts using the bot farm software.

The FSB’s use of U.S.-based domain names, which the software used to register the bots, violates the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. In addition, the accompanying payments for that infrastructure violate federal money laundering laws.

The Justice Department commends members of the private sector who coordinated with law enforcement efforts on this disruption, including X for its voluntary efforts to suspend the identified bot accounts from its platform. Prior to the government’s action, X identified and suspended a significant number of the bot accounts.

The Justice Department’s investigation is ongoing.

The National Security Division’s National Security Cyber Section, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona, and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois are prosecuting the case, with valuable assistance from the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Delivers Remarks at National Federation of the Blind National Convention

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Remarks as Delivered

Good afternoon. It is great to be here. I want to start off by thanking President Riccobono for that very gracious introduction and for the honor of being with all of you today. I also just want to note at the outset, again, my name is Kristen Clarke, and I am the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the United States Department of Justice. I am a 5’4” Black woman wearing a navy suit.

And I also want to just take a moment to acknowledge my colleagues who are with me, the extraordinary Jennifer Mathis, a long-time disability rights advocate, and Adam Lewis, a trial attorney at the Justice Department, as well. And, just also want to take a point of personal privilege to acknowledge how exciting it is to share a stage today with Judge David Tatel, whose career encompasses a wide range of civil rights issues and whose personal experiences and extraordinary contributions on the bench model courage and perseverance for this community.

I’m so thrilled to be here with you today during the National Federation of the Blind (NFB)’s National Convention to speak about the work of the U.S. Department of Justice and to talk about how we are working to vindicate the rights of blind people and of other people with disabilities. The Federation’s National Convention is a marquee event for the disability rights and civil rights community every year. But this year, in particular, we have some especially noteworthy achievements to celebrate even as we recommit ourselves to the work that still lies ahead.

Two years ago, the participants at this convention adopted a resolution urging the federal government to take action to ensure the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

That resolution explained why the need for federal action was so critical. It noted how essential the internet has become in the lives of most Americans — citing, for example, that 85% of American adults visit the internet at least once a day and that the digital economy alone accounts for nearly 10% of the United States’ gross domestic product.

The resolution explained that despite the importance of digital spaces, they too often are inaccessible to blind people and others with disabilities. It cited studies which had found that accessibility barriers existed in more than 97% of websites. And it noted that these barriers prevented blind people and others with disabilities from fully participating in the mainstream of American economic, cultural and political life.

Four months earlier, in March 2022, 181 disability rights and civil rights organizations — and that included you all, the NFB, the American Council of the Blind, the American Foundation for the Blind and the National Disability Rights Network — sent the Justice Department a letter urging us to finalize a rule on web and mobile application accessibility. We also heard loud and clear the disability community’s call for a web rule at our quarterly meetings with national disability groups.

At the Civil Rights Division, we listened. We too had been grappling with the need for a technical standard about the ADA’s web accessibility requirements as we sought to enforce the American[s] with Disabilities Act (ADA)’s protections in the digital world. We also knew this problem was growing increasingly acute as the internet became a more pervasive and essential part of all of our lives.

So, in the fall of 2022, we announced that we would be issuing proposed regulations under Title II of the ADA setting forth specific requirements for web and mobile app accessibility for state and local government entities. And then, in the summer of 2023, we did exactly that.

I’m not going to recount every administrative and bureaucratic hurdle that we encountered during the rulemaking process for you here today — if I did that, we would probably have to add another two to three days to this convention and start distributing espressos and energy drinks.

What I will say, though, is that no part of the federal rulemaking process is easy. And web accessibility is a particularly difficult field to promulgate regulations in because the slow-moving rulemaking process is not a natural fit with the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

We overcame these challenges because we had a team of tireless individuals working day and night on this, especially in our Disability Rights Section. They were committed to getting the job done and doing it in the best way possible. These folks devoted weeks, months, and in some cases years of their lives to analyzing and thinking through every wrinkle of the proposed regulation. They also were deeply committed to hearing from people with disabilities and to ensuring that the rule was genuinely responsive to the concerns that prompted the call for action.

We received comments from a wide variety of stakeholders that included advocacy groups, state and local government entities, trade groups and people with disabilities.

Some of the public comments hammered home why the need for the rule was so critical. One commenter noted that the COVID-19 pandemic had reinforced, “just how dependent we are as individuals, a nation, and humanity on becoming and staying connected to and with each other and our government via the Internet. Our education, physical and mental health, sense of self, safety, security, life, liberties, and pursuit of happiness will increasingly be determined by whether or not we have ready, ubiquitous access to all digital content.”

That same commenter noted that, “If [people with disabilities] are effectively barred from accessing websites and apps, and exercising the personal agency that comes from doing so, their lives, opportunities, and futures will be even more limited, segregated, and marginalized.”

Another commenter emphasized that, “As blind and visually impaired adults, we live just as independent, productive, and self-sufficient as anyone would. We use web sites and mobile applications with screen readers on our computers and smart devices to complete any number of daily tasks including banking, budgeting, shopping, scheduling rides, tracking health records such as vitals, glucose, water intake, and medication management, researching, school assignments, career exploration, filling out paperwork, and staying connected to loved ones…our privacy, confidentiality, and livel[i]hoods depend on full unrestricted accessibility of any web site and mobile app available to anyone else.”

Our team read every single one of these comments. And we adjusted the final rule to respond to those comments and to balance the concerns of the diverse group of stakeholders that weighed in. And at the same time, they deftly worked to navigate the substantive and logistical hurdles that are part of every federal rulemaking process. Some of our team members, who had been part of the 2010 rulemaking process, knew all too well that a final rule was not guaranteed until it was signed by Attorney General Merrick Garland and codified in the Federal Register.

And it was thus with great joy that we crossed that finish line earlier this year. On Wednesday, April 24, the Federal Register published the department’s final rule under Title II of the ADA. This landmark and historic rule will help ensure that the web content and mobile apps of state and local governments are accessible to people with disabilities.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of this rule. Although the ADA has always required public entities to ensure that people with disabilities can access all of an entity’s services and programs and activities, the initial ADA regulation didn’t include any specific standards for web accessibility because the web was at its infancy when the ADA was passed.

And, as the NFB’s 2022 resolution made clear — and as we heard so often over the years from so many members of the public—the lack of a technical standard in this area created widespread barriers for people with disabilities to access state and local government websites and apps.

The impact of these barriers has only grown as state and local governments have moved more of their services, programs and activities online. It’s now commonplace to use websites and apps to apply for government benefits, register to vote, access course materials, renew government-issued ID, file taxes, pay fines, obtain up-to-date health and safety resources, request copies of vital records, access mass transit schedules and so much more.

When people with disabilities are excluded from state and local government websites and mobile apps, it can be hard or impossible for them to access these and other critical services.

We believe — I’ll say we know this rule will help correct that injustice and will advance — and advance the ADA’s promise of full and equal participation in society for people with disabilities. It’s a huge step forward towards an America where people with disabilities are fully included in all spaces, regardless of whether the space is physical or digital.

Now, I have talked at length about our web rule and with good reason — it is truly a historic milestone. But the web rule is just part of the work that we do every day in this space.

Web accessibility has been a division priority for many years. Even before enactment of the rule, the Justice Department had long maintained that the ADA applied to web content, and we repeatedly used our enforcement authority to ensure that people with disabilities had access to goods, services, programs and activities that governments were making available online. In recent years, in particular, we have pursued enforcement actions in other critical areas including voting, education and healthcare.

In the area of voting, just last month, we secured settlement agreements with several counties in Texas whose election websites were inaccessible for people with vision or manual disabilities, a timely issue. These election websites provide essential information about how to vote, about registering to vote, identification requirements, early voting and specific information for people with disabilities. Under the settlement agreements, these counties agreed to make all future and existing online content accessible. And they will adopt new policies and training for personnel, hire independent auditors to evaluate the accessibility of their sites and solicit feedback from the community.

Just one day after announcing those agreements in Texas, we issued findings that Alaska violated the ADA by maintaining an inaccessible elections website. As in Texas, we found that voters with disabilities faced barriers to obtaining key information on Alaska’s election website, including voter registration forms, candidate statements, voting dates and polling site locations. This work is motivated by a simple principle — people with disabilities must be able to exercise their voice in our democracy.

Now, public education in the U.S. is another area where the importance of the internet is ever increasing. Many public schools at all levels now offer programs and instruction online. Many public colleges and universities rely heavily on websites and other online technologies in the application process for prospective students; for housing eligibility and on-campus living assignments; for course registration and course content; and for a wide variety of administrative and logistical functions in which students must participate. And, sadly, in many public elementary and secondary school settings, teachers and administrators communicate via the web with parents and students about grades, assignments, schedule changes and safety alerts sadly on platforms that are not accessible.

When these online tools and content are inaccessible, it denies students and parents with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from educational programming. We are working to address this injustice.

In 2022, we secured a consent decree with the University of California (UC) at Berkeley to resolve allegations that the school violated Title II by failing to make online content accessible to people with hearing, vision and manual disabilities. The decree requires UC Berkeley to make the vast majority of its existing online content accessible — including a large collection of online courses, videos and podcasts — and to make all of its future online content accessible going forward. The school is also revising its policies, training relevant personnel, conducting accessibility testing, hiring an independent auditor and more.

We followed that decree and amplified it — amplified its impact by joining with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights to issue a Dear Colleague Letter in May of last year reminding every college and university and postsecondary institution in our country about their obligations under the ADA and under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

And we do this work because blind people and people with disabilities deserve full and equal access to educational opportunity in our country. Period.

Now, healthcare is another area of American life that’s increasingly moving online. It’s also an area where accessibility barriers can be a matter of life and death. In 2021 and 2022, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we reached settlement agreements with CVS, Rite Aid, Kroger, Hy-Vee and Meijer to eliminate barriers that prevented people with disabilities from effectively using those company’s websites to book COVID-19 vaccine appointments. CVS, which is the country’s largest retail pharmacy, with nearly 10,000 locations, had a COVID-19 registration portal that people using screen readers could not access. At the beginning of the scheduling process, the portal did not read aloud the types of vaccine appointments offered. And on the page where users were meant to pick an appointment time, screen reader users were told that all available times were “checked,” even when they had made no selection.

At a time when the pandemic was raging across our country and many people with disabilities had underlying conditions placing them at higher risk of COVID infection or complication, it’s not hard to understand how barriers to vaccination like these were tremendously harmful.

Together with the Department of Health and Human Services, in 2022 we issued a guidance on non-discrimination in telehealth to explain the protections that laws like the ADA, Section 504 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with the Affordable Care Act, we explained how those laws apply to people who are blind or low vision. The guidance is designed to help health care providers understand their obligations and empower patients by ensuring that they know their rights under federal law.

In America, we deserve a healthcare system that treats people who are blind and low vision with the full dignity and respect that they deserve.

Most recently in January of this year, we secured a settlement with Service Oklahoma to resolve findings that the state agency’s mobile ID application was inaccessible. The app required users to take pictures of the front and back of their IDs and to take pictures of themselves by connecting dots that appear on the screen using only head and eye movements. Both tasks were difficult or impossible for blind people to complete because they received no verbal feedback.

In 2021 we reached an agreement with the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District in Illinois to resolve allegations that the district’s website and mobile apps, which allow users to plan trips, check arrival times,and find fare information, were inaccessible to users with vision and manual impairments. Just a snapshot of some of the broader work that we’re doing to ensure that state and local governments make their websites and apps accessible.

So, lastly, I’ve focused thus far on our enforcement work related to web accessibility, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that this is just a part of the Justice Department’s broader work to vindicate the rights of people who are blind or low vision. One area where we’re deeply engaged — which coincidentally was also the subject of a resolution at the 2022 NFB National Convention — is in protecting the rights of blind people in our nation’s jails and prisons.

The NFB’s 2022 resolution on this topic rightly noted that blind people held in jails and prisons throughout the country faced disparate and discriminatory treatment that included being denied accommodations and effective communication and being denied equal access to training and work programs.

Last November, we reached a settlement agreement with Arizona’s state prison system to address findings that state prisons discriminated against people who are blind or low vision. We found that Arizona prisons, which house more than 35,000 people, failed to reasonably modify their policies or provide auxiliary aids and services, such as Braille materials and displays, audio recordings and screen reader software, to ensure that people who are blind or low vision could communicate effectively while incarcerate. The state also failed to provide accessible processes to request accommodations or file disability-related complaints. They also over-relied on other incarcerated people to help those who are blind or low vision without properly training or supervising those providing help. Under our agreement, Arizona is adopting systemwide reforms to address our findings and to correct and prevent future discrimination.

We’re also engaged in robust efforts to address physical accessibility issues affecting people who are blind or low vision. Most notably, in 2021, we intervened in a lawsuit in Chicago, the third-largest city in the United States. Alleging that the city failed to provide people who are blind, low vision or deaf-blind with equal access to pedestrian signal information at intersections. While Chicago currently provides sighted pedestrians visual crossing signals at nearly 2,800 intersections, we found that fewer than 1% of those were equipped with accessible pedestrian signals for people who are blind or low vision. We can’t tolerate this in our country today. In March of last year, the federal court granted summary judgment in our favor and held Chicago liable for violating the ADA and Section 504.

Now, we know that our work on all these fronts is far from done and we appreciate the importance of addressing the intersectionality of disability and race, gender, sexuality and class as people who experience overlapping forms of discrimination, face unique challenges and we bring than lens to the work every day.

And with regard to web access, we know that despite enactment of our Title II web rule, there is still much to do to educate public entities and other members of the public about the rule’s requirements and to vigorously enforce the law so that the increased clarity it provides results in increased compliance.

We also know that Title II is just one piece of the web accessibility puzzle and that many folks in this room are advocating for regulations under Title III that will apply to the digital spaces of public accommodations. We appreciate the eagerness, and we appreciate your continued advocacy.

But the publication of the web rule marked the culmination of years of hard work both inside and outside of government.

But I would be remiss if I closed today without thanking you. I want to thank the people in this room who pushed for and contributed to the development of this rule. Your advocacy, your voice has shown the power and agency of the disability community. And I’m confident that we’ll continue to work with you to open new chapters in the road ahead.

Today, though, I close by asking that we just take a moment to pause, and to reflect on the great work that we have done together, and to celebrate the huge steps that we’ve taken in recent years on our march towards a more just and accessible world.

The U.S. Department of Justice looks forward to continuing that march alongside all of you. And we will keep marching with you until we achieve an America where every person who is blind or low vision can live free from discrimination, with equal access to opportunity and the full capacity to achieve their dreams. Thank you.

Paxful Inc. Co-Founder Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Fail to Maintain Effective Anti-Money Laundering Program

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

The co-founder and former chief technology officer (CTO) of Paxful Inc. pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) program.

According to court documents, from July 2015 to June 2019, Artur Schaback, 36, of Tallin, Estonia, used Paxful Inc. to operate Paxful, an online peer-to-peer virtual currency platform and money transmitting business where customers negotiated for and traded virtual currency for a variety of other items, including fiat currency, pre-paid cards, and gift cards. During this time, Schaback allowed customers to open accounts and trade on Paxful without gathering sufficient know-your-customer (KYC) information; marketed Paxful as a platform that did not require KYC; presented fake AML policies to third parties that he knew were not, in fact, implemented or enforced at Paxful; and failed to file a single suspicious activity report, despite knowing that Paxful users were perpetrating suspicious and criminal activity.

As a result of his failure to implement AML and KYC programs, Schaback made Paxful available as a vehicle for money laundering, sanctions violations, and other criminal activity, including fraud, romance scams, extortion schemes, and prostitution.  

Schaback pleaded guilty to conspiracy to willfully fail to establish, develop, implement, and maintain an effective AML program as required by the Bank Secrecy Act. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 4 and faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. Schaback will also resign from Paxful Inc.’s Board of Directors.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert for the Eastern District of California; Special Agent in Charge Tatum King of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) San Francisco; and Acting Special Agent in Charge Michael Mosley of the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) Oakland Field Office made the announcement.

HSI and IRS-CI are investigating the case.

Bank Integrity Unit Deputy Chief and National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team Deputy Director Kevin Mosley and Trial Attorneys Emily Cohen, Victor Salgado, and Caylee Campbell of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS) and Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Thuesen for the Eastern District of California are prosecuting the case.

MLARS’ Bank Integrity Unit investigates and prosecutes banks and other financial institutions, including their officers, managers, and employees, whose actions threaten the integrity of the individual institution or the wider financial system.

This prosecution is part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) investigation. OCDETF identifies, disrupts, and dismantles the highest-level drug traffickers, money launderers, gangs, and transnational criminal organizations that threaten the United States by using a prosecutor-led, intelligence-driven, multi-agency approach that leverages the strengths of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies against criminal networks.