TMF Invests in Improving Public-Facing Services, Bolstering Cybersecurity

Source: United States General Services Administration

August 3, 2022

Investments in DOL, AmeriCorps and USAID expand zero trust cybersecurity cohort and deliver digital-first customer experience

WASHINGTON – Today, the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) announced investments that will modernize services, improve customer experience, and strengthen cybersecurity. An investment in the Department of Labor (DOL) will help to modernize how employers access permanent labor certification services, and will create a more seamless visa processing experience. With TMF support, AmeriCorps will replace a 20-year-old system with a new integrated system that allows the agency and its partners to better focus on serving local communities. And an investment in the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will reduce the cyber risks associated with the agency’s global mission, and will improve user experience for its workforce.

The latest tranche of TMF investments – the first since the $100M designation to improve public-facing digital services – advances the federal IT operating plan’s digital-first customer experience and cybersecurity goals, while continuing to support the American Rescue Plan’s intent and investment priorities. These investments add to the TMF’s rich experiential data set of agencies tackling similar modernization issues, and expands the cohort of agencies addressing those issues together.

“The TMF provides critical funding to address urgent IT modernization and cybersecurity challenges across the federal government,” said TMF Board Chair and Federal CIO Clare Martorana. “The investments in DOL, AmeriCorps, and USAID will modernize outdated systems, accelerate implementation of zero trust architecture to address immediate cybersecurity gaps, and enhance public-facing services in order to provide simple, seamless, and secure access to government services.”

“The TMF continues to make smart technology investments to modernize IT systems, safeguard sensitive data, and provide the American taxpayers with efficient, effective access to necessary services,” said TMF Executive Director Raylene Yung . “These investments demonstrate the federal government’s commitment to transforming the way agencies use technology while improving the end-user experience.”

How these investments will modernize services and secure assets:

New Community Grant Management System at AmeriCorps

More than 2,800 nonprofit, faith, and community-based organizations that provide invaluable services in more than 40,000 community locations rely on AmeriCorps’ grant system to manage their federal grant awards. The current system, developed in 2002, is no longer fit for its purpose and restricts AmeriCorps’ ability to meet its mission, keep pace with the current grant-making standards and technical needs, and appropriately steward agency resources. With a TMF investment of $14 million, AmeriCorps will replace its antiquated system with a modern platform that allows the agency and its partners to better focus their efforts on improving the communities they serve.

“AmeriCorps is grateful to receive funding from TMF to modernize our information technology infrastructure,” said AmeriCorps CEO Michael D. Smith. “This funding directly impacts our ability to meet our mission by upgrading our grants management system and improving outreach to organizations and volunteers at the local level.”

Integrated Visa Processing at the Labor Department

The $7.2 million TMF investment will improve DOL’s permanent labor certification services, helping to increase efficiency, improve customer experience, and address fraud and security risks overall.

“Our nation can be stronger and more prosperous when our immigration system functions in the most fair, orderly, and efficient manner, and this investment of TMF funding will help us deliver on that commitment,” said Brian Pasternak, Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor Certification. “By integrating the permanent labor certification process into the Foreign Labor Application Gateway, which uses GSA’s, we will make it easier, faster, and cheaper for employers to access permanent labor certification services and create a more seamless immigrant visa processing experience.”

“The Department has developed a close working relationship with the TMF with past TMF awards and appreciates the opportunity to build technologies that ease the burden on U.S. employers,” added Department of Labor Chief Information Officer Gundeep Ahluwalia.

Boosted Security for USAID’s Global Assets and Workforce

A TMF investment of $5.6 million will extend and enhance security controls throughout USAID’s distributed network,providing a greater degree of protection for the agency’s cyber assets, and improving the work experience of 13,000+ end users around the world. This will be accomplished by consolidating identities, modernizing authentication, providing password-less technology, and expanding the agency’s secure work for “anytime, anywhere” access. Advancing the development timeline, USAID anticipates over 50% of its users will be transitioned to a new identity management system by FY 2024.

“TMF funding will allow USAID to accelerate its zero trust initiative across an ‘anytime-anywhere’ organization of over 13,000 end users worldwide, improve customer experience, and reduce mission risks as it helps execute the Administration’s foreign assistance and development priorities,” said Paloma Adams-Allen, Deputy Administrator for Management and Resources.

All agencies plan to repay the TMF in alignment with repayment guidelines by the end of FY 2028. These latest actions bring the total of TMF investments to 29 ongoing projects, with well over half a billion dollars now invested.

For more information, visit:


About the TMF: The Technology Modernization Fund is working to transform the way the government uses technology to deliver for the American public in an equitable, secure, and user-centric way. The TMF invests in technology projects across government, providing incremental funding, technical assistance, and oversight throughout execution to ensure the success of its investments.

The TMF is overseen by the Technology Modernization Board, which is composed of government IT leaders representing proven expertise in technology, transformation, and operations. To date, the TMF has announced investments totaling well over $500 million. These investments have supported projects ranging from providing a single secure login experience for government websites to digitizing temporary worker visa programs and modernizing systems that support crop inspection and certification. The TMF has received $175 million through the annual budget process and $1 billion through the American Rescue Plan to fund modernization projects to date. For more information, visit and follow us at @TMF_gsa.

About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of nearly 370 million rentable square feet, overseeing approximately $75 billion in annual contracts, and delivering technology services that serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and the American people. For more information, visit and follow us at @USGSA.

La garita de entrada de Calexico Este alcanza un hito en el proyecto de expansión del puente

Source: United States General Services Administration

July 28, 2022

Foto superior: Se instalaron vigas estructurales para sostener la expansión del puente sobre el Canal Todo Americano. Foto inferior: Planes de expansion del puente.

CALEXICO, California – La Administración de Servicios Generales (GSA, por sus siglas en inglés) de los Estados Unidos y la Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Imperial (ICTC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunciaron que se alcanzó un hito de construcción crucial en el proyecto de expansión de la garita de entrada terrestre de Calexico Este . El proyecto, con un costo de 32.5 millones de dólares y que fue financiado en gran parte con subvenciones estatales y federales, permitirá expandir el puente hacia el norte, por el All-American Canal.

“Los equipos de construcción acaban de instalar seis vigas de 175 pies (53 metros) a través del canal”, anunció el director del proyecto de la ICTC, David Aguirre. “Estas vigas de acero proporcionan el apoyo estructural sobre el cual se construirá la nueva extensión del puente, con el fin de contener el cruce de camiones comerciales sobre el canal y aumentar de manera eficaz la capacidad global de espera y de cruce en un tercio”.

Las vigas se fabricaron en Utah, se transportaron en tramos en camiones de remolque y se ensamblaron con pernos de carga en el terreno de la garita. Durante los próximos meses, el equipo de construcción volcará más de 8500 toneladas de concreto con niveles más bajos de emisión de carbono, menor agrietamiento y mayor duración.

El proyecto implica lo siguiente:

  • La realización de obras en el puente, en dos carriles actuales hacia el sur, para vehículos comerciales, y dos carriles, hacia el norte, para vehículos particulares.
  • La expansión del puente para que incluya dos nuevos carriles para vehículos comerciales hacia el norte y aumentar la capacidad de espera de los vehículos comerciales y particulares..
  • Un nuevo carril de acotamiento que permitirá la remoción de los vehículos averiados.
  • Una mejora en las instalaciones peatonales, incluida la instalación de vallas permanentes para proveer una barrera de seguridad entre el cruce peatonal y los carriles de tránsito de vehículos.

La ICTC se asoció con el Departamento de Transporte de California y la Administración Federal de Carreteras a fin de obtener las aprobaciones y autorizaciones para el proyecto, que comenzó en marzo de 2021 y está programado para terminar en mayo de 2023.

“Dado que 20 mil millones de dólares cruzaron la garita durante el último año fiscal, la necesidad de mejorar y expandir la infraestructura está a la vista”, afirmó Aguirre. “Por este motivo, la ICTC se enorgullece de haber alcanzado este hito. El proyecto ayudará a acelerar los cruces peatonales, vehiculares y comerciales en dirección norte, mejorará la seguridad y la calidad del aire y estimulará nuestra dinámica economía regional binacional”.

“GSA se complace en ver los avances de la ICTC en el proyecto de expansión del puente en la garita de entrada terrestre de Calexico Este”, afirmó el administrador regional interino de GSA, Dan Brown. “Ha sido un socio regional invaluable y nos complace poder ofrecer juntos mayores oportunidades económicas a la región del Valle Imperial una vez finalizado este proyecto. Las mejoras también ayudarán a nuestros entes federales a llevar a cabo sus respectivas misiones”“Este proyecto trae mejoras para los vehículos comerciales y particulares, y para los peatones que cruzan la frontera para ingresar a los Estados Unidosde manera más segura y eficiente”, dijo Anne Maricich, directora interina de la Oficina de Operaciones de Campo de San Diego del Departamento de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglés). “Estas mejoras permitirán que CBP continúe protegiendo las fronteras de nuestra nación a la vez que facilitan el flujo de viajeros y el intercambio comercial entre los Estados Unidos y México”.


Acerca de GSA: GSA brinda servicios de adquisiciones centralizadas y compartidas para el gobierno federal, administra una cartera inmobiliaria en todo el país de cerca de 370 millones de pies cuadrados arrendables, supervisa alrededor de 75 mil millones de dólares en contratos anuales y brinda servicios de tecnología que utilizan millones de personas en decenas de organismos federales. La misión de GSA es ofrecer la mejor experiencia al cliente y el mejor valor en servicios inmobiliarios, tecnológicos y de adquisiciones al gobierno y al pueblo estadounidense. Para obtener más información, visite, y síganos en @USGSA

Acerca de la ICTC: La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Imperial se estableció bajo el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 607 (SB 607 – Ducheny) que fue aprobado por la Legislatura de California y el Gobernador Arnold Schwarzenegger en el 2009. Como comisión de transporte del condado, las agencias miembros de ICTC están habilitadas para ejercer la iniciativa y liderazgo en el proceso de planificación y programación del transporte. El ICTC también es responsable de la administración y supervisión del sistema de transporte público del Condado Imperial, la Autoridad de Transporte Local, la Agencia de Administración de Recursos del Valle Imperial y la Autoridad de Servicio para Emergencias en Autopistas. La ICTC actúa de acuerdo con todas las leyes y estatutos aplicables a las comisiones de transporte del condado. Para obtener más información, visítenos en

Calexico East Port of Entry Reaches Major Milestone on Bridge Expansion Project

Source: United States General Services Administration

July 28, 2022

Top photo: structural beams installed to support expansion of bridge over the All-American Canal. Bottom photo: bridge expansion plans.

CALEXICO, Calif. – The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) announced reaching a critical construction milestone for the bridge expansion project at the Calexico East Land Port of Entry (LPOE). The $32.5 million project, largely funded through state and federal grants, will expand the existing northbound bridge, over the All-American Canal.

“Construction crews recently installed six, 175 foot-long steel girders (or beams) across the span of the canal,” said ICTC Project Manager David Aguirre. “These steel beams provide the structural support upon which the new bridge extension will be built to better accommodate commercial truck crossing over the canal and effectively increase the port’s overall queuing and crossing capacity by one third.”

These girders were produced in Utah, transported in sections on trailer trucks and then assembled with load-bearing bolts on the grounds of the port. Over the coming months, the construction team will pour 8,500 tons of concrete that emits lower carbon emissions, cracks less, and lasts longer.

The project entails:

  • Conducting bridgework on two existing southbound commercial and three northbound privately owned vehicle (POV) lanes
  • Expanding the bridge to include two new northbound commercial vehicle lanes and increasing POV and commercial vehicle queuing capacity
  • A new shoulder lane which will allow for the removal of disabled vehicles
  • Improving pedestrian facilities, including the installation of permanent fencing to provide a safety barrier between the pedestrian path and vehicle traffic lanes

ICTC partnered with the California Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to complete environmental clearance and approvals for the project in March 2021. Construction work started in January 2022 and the project is scheduled for completion in May 2023.

“With nearly $20 billion in exports crossing through the port last fiscal year, the need for improved and expanded infrastructure is abundantly clear,” said Aguirre. “That’s why the ICTC is proud to have reached this milestone. The project will help expedite northbound pedestrian, vehicular and commercial crossings, improve safety and air quality, and stimulate our dynamic binational regional economy.”

“GSA is excited to see the ICTC’s progress on the bridge expansion project at the Calexico East LPOE,” said GSA’s Acting Regional Administrator Dan Brown. “As a regional partner we are eager to jointly deliver enhanced economic opportunities for the Imperial Valley region at the completion of the project. The improvements will also help our federal tenant agencies to conduct their respective missions.”

“This project provides improvements for commercial and privately owned vehicles, and for pedestrian cross-border travelers to enter the U.S., in a safer and more efficient manner,” said Anne Maricich, Customs and Border Protection, Acting Director of Field Operations, San Diego Field Office. “These improvements will allow CBP to continue to protect our nation’s borders while facilitating the flow of travelers, trade and commerce between the United States and Mexico.”


About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of nearly 370 million rentable square feet, overseeing approximately $75 billion in annual contracts, and delivering technology services that serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and the American people. For more information, visit and follow us at @USGSA.

About ICTC: The Imperial County Transportation Commission was established under Senate Bill 607 (SB 607 – Ducheny) which was approved by the California Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009. As a county transportation commission, ICTC member agencies are enabled to exercise basic initiative and leadership in the transportation planning and programming process. The ICTC is also responsible for the administration and oversight of the Imperial County public transit system, the Local Transportation Authority, the Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency and the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies. The ICTC acts in accordance with all applicable laws and statutes for county transportation commissions. For more information, please visit

GSA to Host Public Scoping Meeting for Land Port Projects in Douglas, AZ

Source: United States General Services Administration

July 28, 2022

DOUGLAS, Arizona ㅡ The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will host a public scoping meeting in support of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the two planned Land Port of Entry (LPOE) projects in Douglas, Arizona. The public is encouraged to attend and participate at the scoping meeting on Thursday, August 11, 2022, from 4 to 6 p.m. local time at the Douglas Visitor Center at 345 16th Street.

The public will have an opportunity to learn more about the two projects as well as provide input on what issues are important to the community. GSA will utilize this feedback to help determine the scope and content of the EIS. Members of the public may also submit written comments via email to Comments must be received by Monday, August 22, and include “Douglas LPOE Public Scoping Comment” in the subject line.

The purpose of the EIS is to analyze the potential impacts of the modernization and expansion of the Raul Hector Castro LPOE, and construction of the new dedicated commercial port project funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Built in 1933 and upgraded in 1993, the current Castro LPOE is unable to meet current commercial, pedestrian, and privately owned vehicle crossing traffic volumes. The planned project would replace the current, outdated buildings with new expanded facilities which will enhance the federal inspection agencies’ ability to accomplish their missions and help reduce crossing wait times. Furthermore, commercial inspections would be relocated to a new commercial facility to be built 4.5 miles west of the Castro LPOE and away from Douglas’ downtown area.

WHAT: Environmental Impact Statement Public Scoping Meeting

WHEN: Thursday, August 11, 2022, from 4 to 6 p.m. Mountain Standard Time

WHERE: Douglas Visitor Center, 345 16th Street, Douglas, Arizona

WHO: General public

About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of nearly 370 million rentable square feet, overseeing approximately $75 billion in annual contracts, and delivering technology services that serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and the American people. For more information, visit and follow us at @USGSA.

For the 12th Year, GSA Earns Top Grade for Small Business

Source: United States General Services Administration

July 26, 2022

1,000+ small businesses and others attend Small Business Works event

WASHINGTON — This week, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) earned an A+ on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Small Business Procurement Scorecard for Fiscal Year 2021. For the 12th consecutive year, GSA earned an “A” grade or higher, showing the agency’s impressive track record of delivering results for small businesses.

SBA’s annual scorecard measures how successfully federal agencies reach their small business and socioeconomic prime contracting and subcontracting goals. It also measures how successfully an agency commits to small business participation in federal contracting.

“We’re proud that GSA leads by example within the federal government when it comes to supporting small businesses,” said GSA Deputy Administrator Katy Kale. “Expanding opportunities for small and socioeconomic small businesses is critical to delivering the best value for the government, and the American people.”

“Small disadvantaged business participation is critical to the Administration’s equity in procurement initiative, and these firms bring innovative solutions to our marketplace, strengthen our industrial base, and help build back our economy,” said Exodie C. Roe, III, Associate Administrator of GSA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU). “At GSA we’ll continue to make doing business with GSA as flexible, and agile as possible for our customers.”

During fiscal year 2021, GSA awarded $2.7 billion, more than 46% of eligible dollars, to small businesses. At the prime contract level, GSA also exceeded all of its small business and socioeconomic small business goals. At the subcontracting level, GSA exceeded both the small business and women-owned small business subcontracting goals.

Building back our economy relies on expanding opportunities for small and socioeconomic small businesses. To attract those businesses and reduce barriers to contracting, GSA OSDBU:

  • Advocates to maximize opportunities for small and socioeconomic small businesses in every federal contract;
  • hosts virtual matchmaking sessions for prime contractors and subcontractors, including today’s training event
  • hosts nationwide training events, and;
  • ensures policy and regulation are conducive for small business participation.

For small and socioeconomic small business owners looking for opportunities in the federal marketplace, view the federal Forecast of Contracting Opportunities tool which includes listings for General Services Administration, Department of the Interior, Department of Labor, U.S. Small Business Administration, and U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Additionally, GSA has video resources, training opportunities and government contracting fact sheets available online.


About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of nearly 370 million rentable square feet, overseeing approximately $75 billion in annual contracts, and delivering technology services that serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and the American people. For more information, visit and follow us at @USGSA.